Thursday, March 15, 2007

Here Birdie, Birdie, Birdie....

It is definitely a cat's life here on Harvest Drive. My two outdoor cats, Angus (black) and Seamus (orange/white) were "helping" us today out in the yard. They offered us a great photo op, but little other help. These two are brothers, adopted from our animal shelter Christmas before last as a gift to me from Jeff. I had lost 2 cats both 12 years old that year due to age and illness. They say to never give animals as gifts, but I am the exception. As long as it is feline!
Here Angus shows off his beautiful sleek black coat in the neighbor's yard. Our yard is not good enough for him. He is watching Seamus stalking a pinecone.
I think it's true that they rule over all they see, for you can just tell they don't have a worry in the world.


Shelia said...

LOL I love it Heather!Pooh's cat Cosmo thinks he's Mr. King Stuff too! They're beautiful!

oldav8r said...

Heather what a great pic. Your black cat looks like one we had when we first moved here. I think he bagame gater supper. His name was Sasquatch because he had huge paws with too many toes.

Heather I have some web pages that I get grapics from. I'll post them for you tomorrow.

AmyWhit said...

lol. Love it. Riley had a cat, but my dad threatened to kill it if we didn't get rid of it. So, poor little Grapefruit had to find a new home. (He got his name when Riley tried to help the kitty freshen up a bit...with grapefruit scented air freshener). I'm not much of a cat lover...but I did like Grapefruit.

jamie said...

Oh to have a cat's life.....No worries.... AHHHHHHH. I think the first picture is too cute. The others are good as well.

I am glad that you are liking this photo thing!!