Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A boy and his cars

This is Luke playing with his cars. These are the toys which never get put away, only lined up in front of the TV every night. This picture was taken yesterday around 6pm. He was seen by the doctor at noon yesterday and was diagnosed with the Flu. The doctor said he should bounce right back ...I didn't think it would be only 6 hours! He is as right as rain today, but told me in no uncertain terms he was "too sick" to go to school today. Lucky for him he was still within the 24 hour quarantine for the fever. I can't wait for tomorrow's reason he "can't" go to school. If no fever tonight, he's going tomorrow! I'm standing firm! I AM the mommy! :-}


jamie said...

I have the same car issue and my boy is 8. It is so amazing how he still goes back to them. AND You stand firm girl. I miss my boys!!! Wish we were closer so I could take'em places.

AmyWhit said...

My boy is a car/truck lover too...and tractors! I can't believe your baby is that big, Heather! I haven't seen him but once or twice, and he was just a toddler last time!

Riley and I both had the flu last year. It took me a week to get over it, and Riley laid on the couch for one afternoon and then was ready to go! They're amazing! Hope he's well enough for school tomorrow!

I'm glad to hear you are enjoying the blog! I look forward to checking everyone's every day!

Shelia said...

6 hours? Geeze! Thats great though! I'm happy he is feeling better. You may want to keep an eye on your car Heather. He may start "fixing" it at any time!

Judy said...

Hey glad to hear he is some better.

Also glad to hear you ARE the mommy. Stand your ground it will get easier as he knows you will not be budged.