Saturday, April 7, 2007

Our Saturday before Easter

Our day started early this morning. My hunters started at 5am. This was Charlie's first turkey hunt. He was very excited to go. I immediately went back to sleep. They came back around 10 am having heard some turkeys, but my telepathic messages to them worked...they didn't get any. Oh well, there's always next week.
We took the boys down to the backside of the neighborhood for some BB Gun shooting. Charlie is an excellent shot.
So is Luke...Pirate eye and all.
Here are our crazy Easter Eggs! Luke picked out the package of decals that he wanted. He had the most fun coloring them. Bubba enjoyed it too, but not as much as in the past...he's growing up I guess... I wish I could keep them little forever!


Shelia said...

I know what you mean about keeping them little. But some pretty cool things come with them getting older. Tell your guys we saw a turkey at Poppie's and JuJu's. I could be mistaken but I think it was calling for Charlie!(just don't tell Shelby I said that!) LOL I love seeing LT enjoying those boys. Heather come from behind the camera! Happy Easter!

Luke, you did a great job on those silly eggs! I love their smiles buddy!

oldav8r said...

I guess this was the weekend for father's and sons to get together. It's been along time since our boys where as young as yours. It sure brings back lots of memories. Tell Jeff to have a great time making their memories.

Wendy said...

No Turkey's here either this AM! Shane said it was too Windy for them. Never the less, it was to early and too cold to be out! The guys look great and Love the eggs!

Judy said...

Hey, does seeing a turkey strutting his stuff count? Dad and I were in GA looking at property today and Dad saw a big gobbler (yes on the propety we were looking at).

Good to see the boys having fun (if you can call going out at 5 in the cold and dark fun).

Old dead eye Luke! Cute!

Happy Easter

AmyWhit said...

Sorry to hear that they didn't get a turkey, although I'd rather just buy one at the grocery store! LOL. It's great to see Jeff with the boys.

Yes, Heather...get in front of the camera once in a while. Even *I* have posted one of me (as much as it pained me to do so!) LOL.

Happy Easter to you all! Love Luke's eggs!

jamie said...

Charlie looks like I do at 5 am. LOL. but, i can't hardly see them. All I see is faces, all that cammo!!!

Luke's eggs are cute!! Wish I could be there to hide them for all the kids!!