Thursday, March 29, 2007
Luke's first T-ball practice
Next is the running around the T ball field 3 times. It's very exhausting! Luke came to the fence and said, "Mom I need some water" between laps. Practice was about 30 minutes long. Too cute! ( I wish I could have gotten a better shot)
Lastly was batting practice. Luke did very well knocking the ball into the fence. The coaches were very impressed with his throwing and batting abilities. Hopefully we will have 12 full years of baseball with this boy as well. I think he's a natural, like his brother, but I'm a little biased!
After practice, Brody told them their team Bible verse, Philipians 4:13 "I can do all things through God who strengthens me."
I thank the good Lord for this outreach ministry of the Carolina Forest Community Church!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My two young Princes
I have Sophia again this week, so my posts might have lapses between them. Sorry. I had no idea that it would take so much energy to manage one more little one! Between that and getting the house ready for Jeff's arrival on Friday, I have not had the camera in my hand as much.
Monday, March 26, 2007
The old and the new
This is the Gay Dolphin. It is a locally owned gift shop which has EVERYTHING under the sun. I can remember seeing the shop when I was little, on vacation to Myrtle Beach. Then there were beads that looked like they were flowing down to the bottom of the glassed-in area. I had to take the picture while pulling over on the side of the road, so I didn't get a very good picture.
Here is a picture of the beach at High Tide. I like the fence and the old tree which have not been removed for further development. After taking the first few pictures, I found this piece of beach near one of the piers.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Charlie and his Geese
This morning before church Charlie told me his geese were outside wanting their breakfast. I gave him all the bread I had. (today is grocery shopping day) Today there were only 9 geese, but last year he had 44 geese which would come to our yard. They seem to recognize Charlie. He sits down to feed them and waits very patiently until they come to him. They will come out of the water slowly and eat from his hands. He is not afraid in the least. The peck at his clothes and at his fingers and all he does is giggle at them.
As most of you know, I am an animal lover. It gives me a warm fuzzy mommy moment when I see him being gentle to animals and in turn them trusting him. He is like this with all the animals we see on a daily basis, from his dogs to the salamanders and lizards which he must rescue from the cats. He has asked me many times not to disturb a zipper spider's web because they are so interesting to him. He is even kind and tolerates my cats without complaint, almost as well as Jeff does. Angus has taken up residence on his pillow many nights and all Charlie did was move down and not use the pillow! Don't tell Jeff because the pillow and spot on the bed where Charlie is sleeping right now is Jeff's spot. Jeff will be in that spot on Friday night. Angus will be out of luck then.
Hurt not the Earth, neither the Sea, nor the trees. Revelations 7:3
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Saturday Birthday Party
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Sorry, guys, a little busy here this week...
Monday, March 19, 2007
Peace Wall
Another view of the wall. My favorite tile so far is the blue tiles with the red house, tree, and a person reading a book. I don't know why this is my favorite. It just always catches my eye.
I just had to put in a picture of Luke I got today. One coming of Charlie tomorrow. Everyone pray for Charlie to have a great trip to Columbia tomorrow to the Zoo. He's so excited!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Is that a Mustache on my Husband?!?!?!?!?
Friday, March 16, 2007
Luke's first field trip
Here is a picture of Luke at his first field trip. He and his entire preschool from our church went to Coastal Carolina University to see Mr. Al. He is a one man show geared just to preschool kids. The entire auditorium was filled to capacity! The kids were so enthusiastic...except Luke. He approached the show with his usual trepidation. If I tried to dance or sing, I was instantly shushed (sp?) Too cute!
We had to sit in the balconcy, and he is looking over the edge to the stage. In the background is his nursery playmate, Emerson, who has enough energy and enthusiasm for both of them. She calls me Miss Heder and calls Jeff "him". She never hesitates to bring Luke out of his shell.
Moms had to transport the kids, and I had not seen a true "caravan" until today! There must of been 20 minivans in a row! I love mine- it holds everything!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Here Birdie, Birdie, Birdie....
Here Angus shows off his beautiful sleek black coat in the neighbor's yard. Our yard is not good enough for him. He is watching Seamus stalking a pinecone.
I think it's true that they rule over all they see, for you can just tell they don't have a worry in the world.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Our Wed. evening at chruch
Sorry, but you will have to turn your head to get the full effect of this picture. It is the cross in our church parking area with a blooming pear tree in the background. It reminds me of Easter and Spring and Rebirth!
"Where there is love there is life."- Mahatma Gandhi
Monday, March 12, 2007
Happy Anniversary, My Love!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Myrtle Beach in March
Saturday, March 10, 2007
This is the Pavilion?
This picture is of the area which housed all of the arcade games, the famous "dipped cones" ice cream, and the Magic Attic. Back to sand. Oh well, the beach is still here. It seems that the Pavilion destruction hasn't deterred many visitors because it took Luke and me 40 minutes to get to the beach. The roads were bumper to bumper from the factory stores on in. The road out was deserted. I guess Spring is here in MB!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Their favorite things...
Thursday, March 8, 2007
School isn't so bad!
This was a fine day for Luke. He went back to school today after having no fever for 24 hours. We walked in to "Pet Week"! The kids are all looking at a turtle brought in by one of the teachers. They were fascinated! The next picture is of Ms Brandy. She is a teacher who keeps their attention for the entire 3 hours. She always has a song for anything from washing hands to picking their job for the day. She is from the North, loves MB, and has more energy than they do. The next picture is of Ms Kelly. She is a warm embrace to each child. I have never seen either of them having a bad day. They inspire the kids and keep them thinking and on their toes. Ms Brandy calls Luke "PaDuke" and Ms Kelly calls Luke "LukiePadukie". They have been great with his adjustment issues this year. I thank God they are a part of our lives.