Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday's new Geese!

Look at these little ones!
They are new to the pond yesterday.
We went out to feed the geese and looked down the pond and saw these little ones. They wouldn't come down the pond for a pic, but today mama goose brought them down. We watched as mom and dad both surrounded them and didn't leave their side. I'm sometimes scared of the water being in the backyard, but know the boys have a healthy respect for it. The best thing about the water is all the wildlife. We have had so much fun.Here is Bubba this afternoon feeling much better after the stomach flu. I'm sitting in a chair with my head back taking the picture. I had been ill all day and didn't feel like being out of bed, but Luke wanted to play outside as well. Since I can't let him out alone, I sat in the shade watching the impromptu ball game.
Please note the lack of shoes...he IS my child!!!


Judy said...

Love the babies...

I was hoping the crocs would make the blog, so I could see Lukes on him!

AmyWhit said...

Ooooh! The crocs are coming, are they?! Riley and I both have new pairs that I need to document! LOL. I love them!

Love the geese and Charlie pics. It sounds like I'm suffering the same thing that you and Charlie have had. I was sick with it all day yesterday and have felt somewhat better today. I didn't even go into the office to pick up work today. I had plenty to keep me busy from being sick yesterday! I hope that we are all feeling better tomorrow!

jamie said...

Cute little geeselings! errr... I not sure what you call them, baby geese! They are fascinating creatures. I could just watch them everyday!!

oldav8r said...

Hether, hope you are fully on the mend. I love the baby ducks, baby of all kinds a good for me. Good luck washing those socks! LOL

Shelia said...

Glad he's feeling better! I love the babies. For a sec I thought Ju was talking about gators...not the shoes! DUH LOL