Here is an enlargement of the picture. It's a little fuzzy, but it's the best I could do.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Yesterday's news.....
Here is an enlargement of the picture. It's a little fuzzy, but it's the best I could do.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Lions and Tigers and....Llamas???
Here is a cattle egret. There were thousands of these things nesting around a little cypress pond.
This is the Southern Copperhead. How do you tell it's a Southern Copperhead? Because it hisses with a drawl. There are about a dozen fish tanks filled with snakes like this as you walk in the front door. Our neighbor, Barbara, won't go there for that very reason.
If there was one peacock, there were a thousand. I wanted to get a good closeup of one of the "eyes" but the blasted things wouldn't hold still long enough. I remember Mama Mixson used to have peacocks around her house. I recall them being mean, but that was a long time ago.
I like this picture for the black and white patterns and that doleful black eye in the middle of it all.
I took this one for the boys because of their favorite video. When you get a minute, go to and search for "The Llama Song". Charlie and Luke watch this for hours. It's pretty funny about the first two times, then it's just annoying. About two seconds after snapping this picture, Charlie found out that llama's have a taste for hair. Luke thought that was even funnier than the video. Charlie??....not so much.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
I Quit.....
Today, alas, I threw all my gear in the trash and considered my years of study and labor in the fishing art wasted time. Why you ask? Because of this...
She caught a 7 pound bass on a #2 bream hook ( less) with a 50 cent bobber and...wait for it.... A PIECE OF CORN!!!!!!!! AArrrggghhhh!!!! My soul was ripped from its core. Surely there could not be a God. If there is, he is playing some terrible joke on me. I found out later that there is, in fact, a God, and, yes, he has a horrible, sick, twisted sense of humor. Because not 30 minutes later, this happened....
Yes...that's a bluegill that easily was 1-1/2 pounds. Notice that she couldn't even fit her hand around it. It was so fat, I was concerned that it would die of a heartattack before we could get it back into the water. And what technologically advanced piece of hardware did she use? Same hook, same rod, same 50 cent bobber, but this time it was a wadded up piece of bread that was the coup de grace. *Hangs head in disgust*
So there it is. I quit. Maybe I can take up crocheting or something. By the way, she's giving a seminar next week at the Bass Pro Shops in town entitled "How to Handline Blue Marlin with a Coathanger and Some Hot Dogs". I encourage all the mullet fishers in Beaufort County to of your own has made it big.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Our Saturday before Easter
We took the boys down to the backside of the neighborhood for some BB Gun shooting. Charlie is an excellent shot.
So is Luke...Pirate eye and all.
Here are our crazy Easter Eggs! Luke picked out the package of decals that he wanted. He had the most fun coloring them. Bubba enjoyed it too, but not as much as in the past...he's growing up I guess... I wish I could keep them little forever!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Our take on the Old Burnt Church
Here is our take on the Old Burnt Church. The picture in the top right is our B/W reminder of the church we see every day. I have great memories of the church when I first came to see Jeff during the summer of 1989. I was on the church's road with directions to get to a little town named Sheldon. I was amazed by the canopy of trees over the road and then came upon this church. It was a special moment when I realized that I would love the low country for it's beauty.
Monday, April 2, 2007
He's Home!!!
Here is another way to say "I love you"
Here is how boys say "I missed you tons!" *****Please note how shiny the top of the head is...hehehehehe*******
On Saturday we had an Easter Eggstravaganza at church. Luke is showing Jeff the egg he found under the slide.
Charlie at the Easter celebration. We had all prayed for beautiful weather and we were granted a gorgeous spring day! It was very warm. I think we had around 150 kids overall from the community! Jeff and I came home at 2pm wanting a nap, but the kids wanted to play outside with Jeff. I helped him get an hour nap before they couldn't wait anymore. I think he is almost caught up with his sleep. We are so happy to see him!!!